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Multi-step Math

The Multi-step math Question, with type (multistepmath), allows for multiline entry by the learner. The entire solution is scored for accuracy and completion while allowing the learner to solve the problem in different ways. This Question type is supported on Long Term Support versions 2024.3.LTS and onward.

Screenshot 2024-07-31 at 12.40.33 PM.png

Figure 1: Preview of a Math-step math Question.

Create a question

Compose question

Enter the question stem into the Compose question field. In this field you have access to the Rich Text Editor and therefore various formatting options, as well as the ability to add images, simple features, and math. To insert mathematical expressions within the question stem you can use the math editor, denoted by the uppercase sigma symbol (Σ). Within the editor, you have the option to use keypad symbols, LaTeX, or MathML to create expressions.

For a detailed overview of all of the options, see related article on the Rich Text Editor.

Set the correct answer

Provide Math expression(s) from the question

In this field, add any expressions from the question that the learner might use within their response. The expressions added here, in conjunction with the final step value, will be used in assessing whether intermediate steps are valid.

Select the "+ ADD Expression" button to insert an expression or add any additional expressions.

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Figure 2: Composing the question in a Math question type.

Insert a value in the Point(s) box to define the score for the question. The default value is 1.

Underneath the Point(s) area, you will see a Final step sub-menu. In the value field provide a sample correct answer for final step of the solution and from the drop-down select a method to determine how the learner's final step should be scored. In order for the learner's entire response to be correct, the last line of their solution must meet the final step validation criteria and every previous step must be valid. A step is valid if it is either symbolically equal to the final step value or to any of the given expressions provided above. See the Example section below to learn more.

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Figure 3: Setting the correct answer for the final step.

The default method is "Literally equal to (equivLiteral)", meaning the learner's final step must be written in the same form as the value to be correct, but from the drop-down you can select different scoring methods as shown in Figure 3. Each method has additional options that allow you to define notation, like the decimal and thousands separator, or further customize the scoring behavior. Additionally you can edit the aria label associated with the sample correct final answer.

By selecting "+ ADD CONDITION" you can apply a secondary condition that the learner's final step must also meet in order to receive points. To set an alternate correct final answer, select the "+" button above the Points box.

More options: Scoring

  • Unscored/Practice usage - Removes all scoring from the question.
  • Penalty point(s) - The value entered here will be deducted from the maximum score for an incorrect answer.
  • Feedback
    • None - No feedback is shown to the learner while attempting the question.
    • Check answer - This option enables the check answer button for the learner. The check answer button allows the learner to check if their solution is correct/incorrect as well as feedback on each step.
    • Check answer and automatic feedback of steps - In addition to enabling the check answer button, with this option the learner will receive feedback on whether their step is correct or incorrect as they move to the next step/line. 
    • Automatic feedback of steps only - The learner will receive feedback on whether their individual steps are correct/incorrect as they move to the next line but the check answer button is not enabled.
  • Check answer attempts - The value entered here refers to how many times the learner can use the Check answer button, before it is automatically disabled.
  • Scoring type - Since there is only one response container supported in this question, the default value is Exact match. This means the learner must get the entire question correct to receive credit.
  • Minimum score if attempted - Set attempt marks for the question, which will be awarded to the learner even if their response is incorrect.

For more details, see article on scoring types


  • Template font scale - This is referring to the content in the Template field only. It is set to Boosted by default. This way any math input will be the same size although text will appear slightly larger. You can change it to Normal, if you would like the text to match the size of the rest of the question text.
  • Font size - Controls the size of the font for this question. Options are: "small"(11px), "normal"(14px), "large"(17px), "extra large"(20px) and "huge"(24px).


  • Type - Select from a Floating keypad, a Block keypad, a Block on focus keypad, or no keypad.
  • Show keypad hints - Enable or disable hints on the keypad, such as keyboard shortcuts and symbol group titles that are shown on the top left corner of the keypad when hovering over a symbol group key. 
  • Enable horizontal keypad - this changes the keypad layout to a rectangular, 2 row, keypad. You can then customize this keypad by selecting a button and either replacing it with another symbol or leaving it empty.
  • Number pad - Customize the number pad in this section. Select a button to either change the order of the buttons or remove some buttons.
  • Symbols - Select what symbol groups will be shown to the learner, or create custom symbol groups.

For more information, see article on customizing the keypad

Text blocks

Use this option when you want to define specific words or a list of custom units (such as g, kg, cm, oz, etc.) that will not be rendered as LaTeX math but rather LaTex text when entered by a learner. When used in combination with the "Ignore LaTeX text" option, this can be useful if you do not want to require the learner to enter a unit of measurement next to a value. See the Text Blocks article.


Example 1

First we will consider the question shown in Figure 1. The question asks the learner to solve for x in 2-2x=3x+17. The final step validation value is set as "x=-3", with method "Literally equal to (equivLiteral)" and option "Ignore multiplication and addition order" set to true, as shown in Figure 3.

Sample Response 1.a

The response is correct, as denoted by the global correct UI. This is because the last step meets the final step validation criteria and every previous step is valid, denoted by the green check.

Screenshot 2024-07-31 at 12.46.42 PM.png

Figure 4: An example correct solution.

Sample Response 1.b

In this example, the response is incorrect. While every step is valid, denoted by the green check mark, the last step does not meet the final step criteria set by the author and so the response is not complete.

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Figure 5: An example incomplete solution which is therefore marked incorrect.

Sample Response 1.c

This response is incorrect because the second step is not valid, denoted by the red circled x.

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Figure 6: An example incorrect solution with an error in step 2.

Note: For this example, since "x=-3" is symbolically equal to "2-2x=3x+17" we do not need to enter "2-2x=3x+17" in the "Provide math expressions from question" section. Doing so would result in the same scoring outcomes.

Example 2

In this example, the learner is asked to solve an inequality -10<4-2x<12 and express the answer in interval notation. 

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Figure 7: Authoring set-up for Example 2.

The final step validation value is set as "(-4,7)", with method "Literally equal to (equivLiteral)" and option "Allow interval notation" set to true. As shown in Figure 7, we have included the given inequality from question stimulus.

Sample Response 2.a

The following response is incorrect. Although the final step meets the criteria set by the author, there is an error in the third step.

Screenshot 2024-08-01 at 12.21.50 PM.png

Figure 8: An example of an incorrect solution.

Sample Response 2.b

The response is correct, as every intermediate step is valid and the final step is in interval notation as denoted by the authored validation value.

Screenshot 2024-08-01 at 12.12.19 PM.png

Figure 9: An example of an correct solution.

Additional information

This question type is an asynchronously scoring question type. See article on asynchronous scoring for details.

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