The Math Question, with type (clozeformulaV2
), allows for learners to input math as a response with advanced auto-scoring capabilities using our revamped engine. The learner can enter a response, with aid from our formula keypads, into one or math response boxes as set by the the author. This Question type is very flexible as these response boxes can be placed inline with text, on multiple lines, within a table or embedded within a math expression. This Question type is supported on Long Term Support versions 2023.2.LTS and onward.
Figure 1: Preview of a Math question.
Create a question
Compose question
Enter the question stem into the Compose question field. In this field you have access to the Rich Text Editor and therefore various formatting options, as well as the ability to add images, simple features, and math. To insert mathematical expressions within the question stem you can use the math editor, denoted by the uppercase sigma symbol (Σ). Within the editor, you have the option to use keypad symbols, LaTex, or MathML to create expressions.
For a detailed overview of all of the options, see related article on the Rich Text Editor.
Figure 2: Composing the question in a Math question type.
Formula template
In the Formula template field you can set the response containers where learners will input their answers. As the Rich Text Editor is available, you can also enter text or math alongside the response containers. To input additional response containers you can use the Insert response button (r) in the Rich Text Editor or use the keyboard shortcut "__" (double underscore).
Modifying the response container
By default, a response container is set as a single response box. Under the More options: Layout section, there is a Formula template field available for both the Response container (global) and Response container (individual) sections. Within the Global section, any content added to the Formula template field will affect all response containers used in the question. Within the Individual section, the Formula template field affects each response container individually.
The Response container Formula template field can be used to modify the response container, embedding response boxes within an equation or expression. For example, you can pre-define the response container as a fraction composed of two response boxes.
Figure 3: Setting up a fraction in the Template field for Container 1.
When editing the question, in the main Formula template the changes made to the response container will not be shown.
Figure 4: The changes made in the response container's template field will not be reflected in edit mode.
However, you can see the changes made to the response container by previewing the question.
Figure 5: Previewing the changes made to the question.
Set the correct answer
Insert a value in the Point(s) box to define the score for the question. The default value is 1. The maximum score for the question will depend on the number of response containers and the scoring type set.
Underneath the Point(s) area, you will see a Response sub-menu. The number of sub-menus will match the number of response containers in the formula template. Each sub-menu will be named after its relevant response box; Response 1, Response 2 , etc. depending on the number of containers. You will set the validation for each response container individually. Even if the response container has been modified to contain multiple response boxes, the correct answer is still set for the entire response container.
In the value field provide a sample correct answer for each response and from the drop-down select how the learner's answer should be scored.
Figure 6: Setting the correct answer.
The default method is "Literally equal to (equivLiteral)", meaning the learner's answer must be written in the same form as the value to receive points, but from the drop-down you can select different scoring methods as shown in Figure 6. Each method has additional options that allow you to define notation, like the decimal and thousands separator, or further customize the scoring behavior. Additionally you can edit the aria label associated with the sample correct answer.
By selecting "+ ADD CONDITION" you can apply a secondary condition that the learner's answer must also meet in order to receive points. To set an alternate correct answer, select the "+" button above the Points box.
More options: Scoring
- Unscored/Practice usage - Removes all scoring from the question.
- Penalty point(s) - The value entered here will be deducted from the student for an incorrect answer.
- Check answer button - Show or hide the check answer button from the student. The check answer button allows students to check if their answer is correct/incorrect. Clicking this button does not tell the student what the correct answer is.
- Check answer attempts - The value entered here refers to how many times the student can use the Check answer button, before it is automatically disabled.
- Scoring type - When multiple response containers are present, choose between three scoring methods: Exact match, Partial match per response, or Partial match. The default value is Exact match meaning the learner must get the entire question correct to receive credit.
- Minimum score if attempted - Set attempt marks for the question, which will be awarded to the student even if their response is incorrect.
For more details, see article on scoring types.
- Stem numeration (review only)- Define numeration characters displayed to the left of the response container when displaying correct/incorrect validation and correct answers. Only visible in review state. Choose between Numerical, Uppercase alphabet, or Lowercase alphabet.
- Response minimum width (px) - Enter, in pixels, the minimum width of the response area.
- Template font scale - This is referring to the content in the Template field only. It is set to Boosted by default. This way any math input will be the same size although text will appear slightly larger. You can change it to Normal, if you would like the text to match the size of the rest of the question text.
- Response containers (global) and Response containers (individual) - Configure the Width and the Height, in pixels, for either all response containers (global), or for specified response containers (individual). Additionally customize the ARIA label for response containers, either globally or individually.
- Type - Select from a Floating keypad, a Block keypad, a Block on focus keypad, or no keypad.
- Show keypad hints - Enable or disable hints on the keypad, such as keyboard shortcuts and symbol group titles that are shown on the top left corner of the keypad when hovering over a symbol group key.
- Enable horizontal keypad - this changes the keypad layout to a rectangular, 2 row, keypad. You can then customize this keypad by selecting a button and either replacing it with another symbol or leaving it empty.
- Number pad - Customize the number pad in this section. Select a button to either change the order of the buttons or remove some buttons.
- Symbols - Select what symbol groups will be shown to the learner, or create custom symbol groups.
For more information, see article on customizing the keypad.
Text blocks
Use this option when you want to define specific words or a list of custom units (such as g, kg, cm, oz, etc.) that will not be rendered as LaTeX math but rather LaTex text when entered by a learner. When used in combination with the "Ignore LaTex text" option, this can be useful if you do not want to require the learner to enter a unit of measurement next to a value. See the dedicated Text Blocks article.
Additional information
This question type is an asynchronously scoring question type. See article on asynchronous scoring for details.