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Recording Video with Simple Features

As with audio, it is possible for authors to record videos on-the-fly to embed inside Questions. Begin by creating your Item and selecting a Question type, for example, the "Essay with Rich Text" Question type.

To add your recorded video, edit your Item, click in the text editing field area and then click the Simple Feature button  Screenshot 2024-03-15 at 11.41.27 AM.png  in the rich text editor toolbar at the top of the screen. The Simple Feature Video options screen appears.

  1. Select 'Video' from the left menu,
  2. From the 'Video type' drop down menu, select 'Hosted video'.
  3. You will be presented with two options for a Hosted video: 'Upload video' and 'Record video'.
  4. Click on 'Record video'.

Screenshot 2024-03-15 at 11.46.24 AM.png

Screenshot 1: Simple Feature video options screen.


Click the Record button when you are ready to begin - there will be a 3 second delay before recording begins.


Screenshot 2: Video recorder inside the Simple Features window.


You have the option to pause and resume the recording - when you are finished, click stop. Note that the maximum length of a recorded video here is 10 minutes.

You have the option once stopped to playback the recorded video, or to click 'Record' again to overwrite this recording. 

Click 'OK' when you are done and the video will be uploaded to Learnosity.

You will be able to create a heading and upload a poster image for the video, as well as configure the Width and Height of the video, or hide video controls for the student if desired.

Once embedded, the position of the video player in the Question content can be changed by moving around the video player object inside the text editor window.


Screenshot 2024-03-15 at 11.58.05 AM.png

Screenshot 3: The Simple Feature Video player object inside the Question content.

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