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Using the Video Player with Simple Features

Videos can be embedded inside a question, either by using videos hosted on the Internet or by uploading videos from a computer. Video clips can be uploaded in MP4 (H.264/MPEG-4) and must be less than 100MB.

To insert a video inside a question, click on the Simple Features button in the Rich Text Editor. Make sure you have selected 'Video' from the left menu, then you can select from either using a YouTube video URL, a Vimeo video URL, or a Hosted video (i.e. uploading a video from your computer or pasting in a URL of a video you have uploaded elsewhere that is not YouTube or Vimeo).


Figure 1: Simple Feature video player options.

You have the option to give the video a title (or a 'Heading') and you can configure the Width and Height of the video container.

If you have used the Hosted Video player type, you will have the additional option of uploading a poster image for the video. You will also be able to disable video controls for the student.

You can preview the video before clicking OK. 

It is also possible to record a video, on-the-fly, inside Learnosity and embed that inside a Question.

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