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Adding Resources to Questions and Features

The resource functionality in the rich text toolbar makes it possible to upload files and images as a hyperlink; either inline, with the Question stimulus only, or in a passage. 

To add a resource, click on the resource icon in the rich text toolbar. You can drag and drop to upload the resource or select a file from your computer.
Note: the accepted file types are: PDF, DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, CSV, RTF, EPS, ODT, ODS, GIF, JPEG, PNG, SVG, and XML.

The maximum size for each file is 5MB.



Figure 1: the resource icon in the rich text toolbar.


To use the resource functionality:

Select the text where you want to apply the resource link. Clicking the resource icon will trigger the resource uploading dialog.



Figure 2: select text from the editor.


The selected text will be displayed in the display name field. Drag and drop, or select the file you want to upload from your computer. After the upload is finished, you can see the link in Source URL under More options.



Figure 3: resource upload dialog.


The Display Name will be displayed as a hyperlink in Questions and Features. You can change the Display Name and resource files by double click the resource widget in the editor field. If you leave the Display Name field empty, it will use the uploaded file name as the default Display Name.



Figure 4: the resource link displayed inline. 


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