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Video Recorder

With the Video Recorder Question, learners can record a video response to a question. Starting from version v2024.3.LTS, they can now seamlessly switch between the front and rear cameras on their devices before starting the recording, offering greater flexibility in capturing their responses.

Note that this Question is not enabled by default - you will need to contact Learnosity Support to enable this Question type.


Figure 1: an example of the Video Recorder Question

After you have entered your stimulus in the Compose Question field, there are some minor configuration settings to go over.

  • Maximum length (seconds): refers to the maximum length the video can be - when the learner reaches this limit, the video will stop recording automatically. This value is set to 600 seconds by default
  • Overwrite warning: enabled by default, this will warn the learner when they are about to overwrite their previous video recording with a new one.
  • Max score: the maximum score that can be awarded for the Question, as this Question is not auto-graded.
  • Minimum score if attempted: marks awarded to the learner for attempting the Question, regardless of a correct or incorrect response.
  • Font size: change the font size. This applies to both the stimulus, but also the text on the video recorder.
  • Details: see our Understanding Metadata page for a thorough explanation of these fields.

Using the Flip Camera Feature

The Flip Camera functionality on smart devices allows learners to:

  • Switch Cameras Before Recording: Prior to starting the video recording, learners can tap the Flip Camera icon to choose between the front-facing 'selfie' camera and the rear-facing camera.
  • Enhance Video Quality: Using the rear camera often provides better video quality, making it ideal for recording detailed performances or demonstrations.
  • Improve User Experience: This feature eliminates the need to physically flip the device, making the recording process smoother and more user-friendly.



  • The Flip Camera feature is available on smart devices with front and back facing cameras.
  • Please note that the video recorder Question type is not supported on Chrome browsers on iOS devices. See What Browsers Does Learnosity Support? 



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