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Understanding Author Site Roles in Console User Management

There are five user roles associated with Author Site accounts in Console:

User Users with this role can create and edit Items in the Author Site.
Activity Manager Users with this role can create and edit Activities in the Author Site.
Tag Hierarchy Manager Users with this role can create Tag Hierarchies in the Author Site, which can be used to browse through the Items in the Author Site or for reporting against Tags.
Tag Manager Users with this role can create and edit Tags in the Author Site, which can be added to Items and Activities. The tags can be used for searching, browsing and reporting of Items.
Bulk Update Manager

Users with this role can bulk update the Tags and status of Items and Activities in the Author Site.

Additionally, users are also required to have the User role to bulk update Items and the Activity Manager role to bulk update Activities.

User administrators can add/remove roles from their organisations users at any time, meaning that temporary access can be granted to any role.

If you are unable to access a part of the Author Site, check with your organisation's user administrator to ensure that you have access to all of the roles you need. 

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