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Using Bulk Updates to Update the Item Status and Tags

The Bulk Updates section in the Author Site allows you to update the status and the Tags of many Items and Activities at once.

At this time, it is not possible to bulk delete Tags.

Bulk Updating Items

In the Author Site navigation menu, under 'Items' select 'Bulk Updates'.

Select the checkbox beside all of the items you wish to apply updates to; you can easily search for Items by parameters like: reference, status, and Tags. 

Then select Update Status or Update Tags from the Action drop-down menu.


Figure 1: Bulk Update section of the Author Site.

Update Status

Select the Status you wish to change on the Items, and click Update.


Figure 2: Bulk Update status.

Update Tags

To update Tags on Items:

1. Perform a search with the search controls at the top of the page to bring the desired Items into view, in the list of Items shown. By default, the first page of all Items will be shown alphanumerically.

2. Click the checkbox to the left of each Item needing a Tag(s) update. 

3. Just above the list of Items, click the 'Action:' drop-down menu and select 'Update Tags'. 

4. The 'Update X Item(s)' dialog appears. In here, you can click into the text field below 'Tags' heading and enter the name of Tags or keywords that will find them in a search. As you type each Tag's name, wait for the autocomplete function to find the Tag you are looking for, and select it. That Tag will then be added to a list at the bottom of this dialog window, showing all Tags which will be applied. You may repeat this process to add multiple Tags to be updated. Once you have finished adding all the desired Tags, click 'Update'.

5. Watch the top of the browser window for a result message. If successful, a green message box will appear at the top of the page saying 'X out of Y Items updated successfully'. If it is not successful, a red message box will appear saying 'No Item has been updated'. 


Figure 3: bulk updating Tags.


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