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What is an Activity?


An Activity is a group of Items which are presented to the learner as a single assessment. The Activity Builder allows authors to easily pick Items for inclusion in the Activity, and to set the individual Activity configurations.

Activities can be rendered in two ways: Assess or Inline.

Assess will render the Items in the Learnosity Assess wrapper - an out of the box assessment player interface built by Learnosity. 

Inline mode will render the Items without any extra wrapper or CSS, so choose this method if your development team will be configuring and customizing Activities.

In the Activity preview in the Author site, you can toggle between Player (Assess) and List (Inline) to see these views.

Activity Management

Activities can be reached in the Activities section of the Author Site navigation bar.

You can view and search for Activities created in your organization.

Opening an existing Activity or creating a new Activity is done via the Activity Editor.

In the Activity Editor, you can do the following:

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