The isTrue method checks that an expression has a comparison or equality, that is true. This means that when this method is used alone, any true equation entered by the student will be marked as correct.
Expressions that include a relational (‘<’, ‘<=’, ‘>’ or ‘>=’) or equality (‘=’) operator are evaluated for their truthfulness.
Additional Options
- Allow thousands separator
Authors can specify what separators can be used by the student. From the Thousand Separator drop-down menu, you can select dot, comma, and/or space. The Decimal Separator menu contains the option for either a dot or a comma. Note that the specified thousand separator and decimal separator cannot be the same, e.g. both dot.
Example 1 - Basic isTrue question example
isTrue does not take any value, which means when used alone it will validate any mathematical expression that is true.
Figure 1: isTrue does not take any value
Example 2 - isTrue fill in the blanks
Figure 2: isTrue in a Cloze Math question