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Searching for Items in Your Item Bank

Item list

The Item List page is the landing page when you open the Author Site. There is a search filter on the top of the page, and below the list of Items will be shown with up to 50 items per page. There is a navigation bar on the top and bottom of the list that will allow you to navigate through the pages of Items. On top of the Item list, the total number of Items in your Item Bank will appear in the form of 'Viewing 50 of 5010'.


Figure 1: View of the Author Site item search

Item search

The Item search will allow you to filter the list to show a particular group of Items with the same Tag/Question Type or even the same notes.

You can create searches for Items using the following parameters:

  • Reference: Search by Item reference number
  • Content: Search by content of an Item
  • Question/Feature Type: Refine the search to show Items that contain a certain Question/Feature type
  • Status: Search by published, unpublished or archived Items

You will notice that when you create a search, the Item number at the top of the search will update to the number of Items returned in the search, e.g. Viewing 50 of 119.


Tags are a very powerful search mechanism, as they allow you to search for a particular batch of Items. You have complete control of Tags created and added to Items. There is no limit to how many Tags you can search with. When searching with Tags, there are 2 options to choose from, All Tags or Either Tags.

All Tags: A search using multiple Tags will return a list of Items that contain all of these Tags. Grade 3 and Grade 4 will return a search with all Items tagged with both Grade 3 and Grade 4.


Figure 2: Item searching using All Tags Grade 3 and Grade 4. This will return a search of all items that contain both tags.

Either Tags: A search using multiple Tags will return a list of Items that contain either of the Tags searched for.


Figure 3: Item search using Either Tags for Grade 3 and Grade 4. This will return a search of an item where either of these tags have been applied.


Figure 4: Item search for all items tagged with Math, with the tag Grade 3 or Grade 4 applied.


Refer to our Help article explaining how the search logic works.


Sort List

The Sort option on the top center of the Item List determines in what order the list of Items are viewed. It can be sorted as follows:

  • By Last Updated: Newest First or Oldest First. The default setting is Last Updated: Newest First.
  • By Date Created: Newest First or Oldest First.
  • In alphabetical order. Options are: A-Z or Z-A.


Figure 5: Sort list options


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