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Adding Alternate Responses in the Validation Area of the Question Editor


Alternate Responses can be added if there is more than one correct overall solution to a Question, an example of which is shown in Figure 1.


Figure 1: example of a Question with more than one correct response.


Adding Alternate Responses

To allow Alternate Responses, first create an Item and Question as normal. In the correct response section, click on the "+" beside the Correct tab - as shown in Figure 2.


Figure 2: add a new alternate response.


A new tab called Alternate 1 will appear. Click on "+" once again to add more alternate responses. They will appear as tabs beside each other. If you want to remove the alternate response, click on the trash can icon on the alternate response panel. See Figure 3.


Figure 3: deleting an alternate response.


Some answers may need to be awarded different scores, depending on the list of alternate responses. This is managed by changing the value in the Points field. Figures 4 and 5 show the Question and validation settings with an alternate response.


image (2).png

Figure 4: the points value for the 'Correct' response.


image (3).png

Figure 5: the points value for the alternate response.

Note: The alternate response applies to the entire question, not to an individual response.

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